
Barnett Cooked

According to one of our sources, Jim Barnett is now down by nearly 20 points in the latest Rasmussen poll.

Sebelius is at 56 and Barnett is bringing up the rear at 37.


Anonymous said...

He may be down, but he's not out. Jim Barnett has conducted himself as a professional on all levels and has worked extremely hard during his campaign. I wish we could say that about other state-wide candidates.

Anonymous said...

Barnett is basically a good man but a terrible candidate. Naming Wagle, allowing himself to be dragged into a continuing fight with his peers through Mike O'Neal's goofy Nuss investigation when he should have sought their support, not reaching out to moderates, etc. Huge tactical errors. Then questioning the third year of the school plan when most people see it as a done deal? The ineptness continued and it may help drag down state reps with it. Who is on his campaign staff? They should be identified and never allowed close to a campaign in Kansas again.

Anonymous said...

This shouldn't read "Barnett is Cooked." It should read "Phill Kline is TOAST"

Anonymous said...

Barnett is pretty much down and out. Supposedly, his medical practice partners are not happy with the lack of revenue his political activity has generated for their office. Wouldn't be surprised to see him serve one more session then "retire" back to being a full time doctor.

He did make a number of mistakes. Naming Wagle being the biggest, but there he had no choice. She pretty much talked him into running in the first place. She's been itching for some sort of higher office for years. That's no secret. She thought Barnett was her stepping stone. WRONG! I would not want to be a member of the Senate Republican Caucus next year. OUCH!

As for hiring inexperienced campaign staff. Yeah, big mistake. The people who have done successful gubenatorial campaigns in Kansas pretty much sat this one out. Likely they saw the futility of the race anyway.

Well, we will have four more years to wait for things to go to hell again.

Potential '10 R Candidates for Gov?

Statewides -
Thornburgh - Great campaigner. Can he win a primary? Maybe, maybe not.

Jenkins - Capable, good campaigner. Doesn't really wan to.

Praeger - NO! She probably knows that, too.

Congress to Gov's Office -
Moran - Burned too many bridges by not running for Governor twice. Too late Jerry!!

Tiahrt - Possible, especially if the D's take a lot of seats in Congress. Doesn't seem really interested, though.

Legislators -
Sen. Morris - Uh Uh! No cohones, not that great a Senate President.

Sen. D Schmidt - He's going to run for something. What? Who knows!

Sen. Huelskamp - Also wants to run for something. Wouldn't even come in third in a primary.

Speaker(?)O'Neal - No way.

Speaker(?)Nuefeld - No f@#king way.

Speaker(?)Wilk - (See Morris above)

Rep. Aurand - Not likely.

Rep. Taffenlli - Possible. Iraq war vet, probably Speaker Pro Tem. Has a few conservative tendencies. Doable.

Other legislators - Wel they all think they could do the job better than anyone else!! Pick one.

Others -
Doug Mays - Didn't even get out of the on deck circle this time around. Besides, if he's the new E.D. of KCCI he won't want to take the pay cut.

Ken Canfield - Not likely, but just might have a big enough ego to go back and get beat again.

Out there somewhere is a Republican who can win a primary and defeat the Democrat. Where he or she is, I have no idea.

Anonymous said...

History teaches us the obvious. Republicans can't lose the governership if they nominate a moderate or a somewhat conservative. The registration numbers tell the tale. Moderate Republicans and Independents simply won't vote for someone who is too conservative (Shallenberger, Kline, etc.) or who runs to the right (Barnett, Kobach, etc.) On the other hand, conservatives will always vote Republican over any Democrat. Graves was very bland but didn't scare people so he beat a strong Democrat the first time. Thornburgh, Schmidt are only ones on the list who could do it or a moderate Johnson County legislator (lots of votes there)at least acceptable to conservatives.

Anonymous said...

The Democrat nominee in 2010 will, of course, be Mark Parkinson. Kathleen might take a leap in 2008, so Mark might run in 2010 from Cedar Crest.

No conservative can defeat Mark Parkinson. Sebelius wins because she's acceptable to mod R's. Mark is a mod R ... their leader, in fact.

Nobody on the list above has a shot. Moran remains the best candidate ... but he'll never run.

Parkinson will have keys to Kathleen's $5.18 million dollar fundraising machine. Schmidt, Thornburgh, Jenkins, and the other Republicans couldn't raise that much combined.

Anonymous said...

Brownback will thump Parkinson.